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My random thoughts, observations and musings on all subjects of interest to communication professionals.
Listen To Me!
Don’t color me green, yet. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not unconscious about my impact on the planet. I recycle, plant lots of trees and...
The Great Pleasure of Free Toys
Excuse my enthusiasm; it is Friday, I am seeing a Broadway show this weekend and I did have a very productive week. Among other projects,...
My One-Hour Chat with McAfee's Tech Support
This call has now taken 25 minutes for what should be a an incredibly simple operation. I need to get this done as I have client work to acc
Get It Write.
In my business, which most of my readers share, our work product is often the written word. This year, for example, I have already...
Is It Time for a Relationship Check-Up©?
What's the state of your relationships with your organization's key constituent groups? Here's how to find out. The only thing that...
Mid-Term Election Commercials: A Bumper Crop of Rotten Fruit
The mid-term election cycle that we have just survived could not have been uglier. As a communicator, I studied the foulest crop of...
It's Time for Media to Stop Shouting "Fire."
On January 22, 1987, R. “Budd” Dwyer, who was the Treasurer of Pennsylvania, committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a...
Writing the Future Perfect
For the past two weeks, I’ve been working from the new Western office of thePRguy in Chandler, Arizona. We have family nearby and it’s...
Seven communication lessons I learned from my family reunion.
Earlier this month, Randy and I celebrated my nursing-home-bound mother’s 91st birthday by hosting a family reunion in our home. The event i
The Thunderbolt Kid and Random Acts of Conversation
Like me, the author’s mother made nearly every meal with Jello, breadcrumbs, Campbell's-cream-of-something soup and mayonnaise. He cheri
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